Trend Report: All-In-One Pack
Sometimes More is More.
This post is a continuation of sorts from a recommendation we posted last week, a quick tip on picking fonts that pair well together. You should go over and read it, it’s short, but the main gist of it is that sometimes it’s much easier to have a font foundry do the font pairing for you. With that in mind, today we introduce a new trend: all-in-one packs.
Fonts like Brandon Printed and Nexa Rust are based on a simple concept: design a set of fonts that go well together, include some distress in multiple variations, add layers, add extras, then package it all up and slap a hefty discount on it. This kind of treatment is hard to resist for designers working with contemporary print work, advertising, restaurants, or anyone that is very value focused. Think of this as an automatic step to the middle/front of the pack.
If you’re doing multiple projects, or trying to come up with a comprehensive theme for a company, then you might want to consider an all in one pack like this. Many of the people we’ve seen snapping these up are restaurants, for that very reason.
In a slightly different vein, projects like The Questa Project show that there’s also a great deal of value in designing sans and serif fonts to go together. What started as a design challenge and concept project become a beautiful set of fonts that fit together just right.
These fonts also come with many of the earlier trends we’ve mentioned, like including extras in their fonts or adding layers for more versatility. This really is the culmination of the last few trends we’ve talked about, so we’re going to take a step away from it into something totally different next week, stay tuned!